Our Roots
RMS has been providing shopping cart services for grocers and retailers in the Western United States for over three decades. We’ve also been a manufacturing coupon clearinghouse for half a century. The California Grocers Association is our sole shareholder. As our industry changes at a rapid pace, RMS is growing and adapting to the new retail environment. We currently operate three business lines: 1) carTrac to support our retail partners with cart repair, new cart replacement, and cart retrieval, 2) a sustainability division to help the grocery industry to meet its CRV obligations under California’s Bottle Bill, and 3) a food marketing business to help build customer loyalty for retailers and product promotion through the new Universal Coupon format and shopping cart advertisements. Our mission is to provide innovative services to the grocery and retail industry in the United States at reasonable prices and a commitment to professionalism and quality.

Our cart services division provides services needed to support a retailer’s shopping cart fleet. We manufacture in-house models of shopping carts and spec-based models to support almost every type of cart that a retailer would like to utilize in their locations. We have highly trained maintenance technicians who use mobile units to repair existing cart inventories and have a distributed workforce throughout the Western United States to support our cart retrieval program. Our program includes several experienced government relations advocates to help our customers develop positive working relationships with local governments. We’ve found that our customers generally pay about 10-30 percent less that competitors in the maintenance and new cart sectors.

Sustainability Services
RMS is developing programs to support grocers and retailers as they face new requirement from California related to Bottle Bill amendments, including the addition of wine, spirits, and juice to the CRV system. We are also exploring partnerships with tech companies to help grocers meet food waste benchmarks. Our goal is to help retailers meet Bottle Bill requirements by building demonstration projects to prove the viability of new recycling technologies and support the California Grocers Association to build out a dealer cooperative to limit costs for retailers as an alternative to in-store take back of CRV materials.
Food Marketing
Our company has been immersed in the coupon business for many decades but need for change is apparent as paper coupon campaigns are scaled down by manufacturers. Universal Coupon technology offers a fraud-resistant way for manufacturers to offer consumers product incentives while acquiring more demographic information to help understand whether a campaign is successful. RMS is working with tech vendors to identify ways to distribute Universal Coupons through a new coupon platform. We are also exploring ways to use shopping cart advertisement to support CPGs to promote products to consumers in grocery stores.

With over 30 years of experience in the retail industry, RMS Inc. has expanded from shopping carts to become a leading provider of retail solutions. We work with the California Grocers Association to ensure our products and services meet the highest industry standards. We offer customized solutions to help companies improve their ROI, through increased productivity, cost saving and customer satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about our full range of solutions.
Retail Customers
States Served